The Hobit and the Dragon Express

par Calouh1  -  17 Mai 2014, 18:16  -  #Noir&Blanc, #Landscape

Posé sur son lit comme sorti de nul part, le Dragon Express semble éteint, endormi, au repos, les yeux fermés, le souffle de forge qui habituellement sort de ses naseaux avec un grondement infernal que rythment ses battements d'ailes, n'est plus. Bielles et roues sont figées, tout comme les tonnes d'acier qui le composent. Je m'approche prudemment et prends quelques clichés, la Bête se laisse faire, photogénique dans son sommeil.

Un bel exercice de style plein de difficultés. Juste pour la beauté de cette machine à vapeur.

Put on his bed as went out of nobody leaves, the Express Dragon seems faded, sleepy, in the rest, blindly, the breath of forge which usually takes out of its nostrils with an infernal rumbling that rhythm of its beatings of wing, is not any more. Connecting rods and wheels are congealed, just like the tons of steel which make up him. I approach carefully and take some pictures, the Beastl is passive, photogenic in its sleep.

A beautiful stylistic composition full of difficulties. Just for the beauty of this steam engine.

The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
The Hobit and the Dragon Express
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